Bay Area SEO Training Class Announced for August 2014

Learn how to do SEO correctly at the Bay Area Master SEO Training Program in August. It's designed for business owners and web designers that want to learn the right way to get onto Google and the other search engines.

Why Online Marketing Drives Me Crazy – Part 2

SEO or search engine optimization is an over-used term that's become almost meaningless. By thinking logically about it, we can simplify the whole process and make it much easier for us busy business owners.

How To Hacker Proof Your WordPress Blog or Website (Or At Least Slow Them Down)

If you use WordPress for your blog or your entire website, you're a sitting duck for hackers. Here are a few tips you can use to make your site much more difficult to get past the security, and hopefully the wily hacker will go somewhere else where the targets are much softer.

Have You Set Up ALL Your Online Business Listings Yet?

Have you set up all your business listings yet? Did you know you need to? was a great tool for figuring out where your business is listed in the online databases. They just got acquired by and it's now called Moz Local, a really neat tool.

2021-05-02T10:03:33-07:00News, Tips|6 Comments

Does SEO Make Your Brain Hurt?

Tax season is ramping up. Yay. (Yah, that was sarcasm.) I'm actually proud of myself for having gotten all my paperwork for our personal taxes and both corporations over to my accountant early this year. They can take it from there. I've done what I'm supposed to do, and handed it off to the experts [...]

How to Get Your Potential Customers to Engage With You Before They’re Ready To Buy From You

As a business owner who provides a valuable service (whatever it is), it’s easy to just jump straight to the sale when trying to engage with your customers. You know that you deliver great value, but your potential customers may not understand that right away. Unfortunately, your customers may not be quite ready to jump [...]

2021-05-02T10:03:33-07:00Tips|5 Comments

How Do You Know If Your Website Is Turning Customers Away?

I’ve looked at hundreds upon hundreds of websites. Your website is one of the most important factors in convincing a potential customer to do business with you. Do it wrong, and they’re leaving. Do it right and they might come in. I’m a web Certified Usability Analyst, which means I’ve been trained in web usability, [...]

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