Why Online Marketing Drives Me Crazy – Part 5

Keyword research is an inexact science because we really don't understand the searchers' intent when they use that phrase on the search engines. So how do we adjust our SEO efforts when we know so little about what the searcher intends?

Bay Area SEO Training Class Announced for August 2014

Learn how to do SEO correctly at the Bay Area Master SEO Training Program in August. It's designed for business owners and web designers that want to learn the right way to get onto Google and the other search engines.

Why Online Marketing Drives Me Crazy – Part 2

SEO or search engine optimization is an over-used term that's become almost meaningless. By thinking logically about it, we can simplify the whole process and make it much easier for us busy business owners.

How To Compare Keywords When You’re Doing Keyword Research

Doing keyword research is only the first step in finding great keywords for your content. How do you know what people actually search for and how much? This is the critical question, and fortunately, Google helps us out a little.

When Doing Keyword Research, Start with the Basics First

In last week's article we talked about all the reasons why businesses need to do keyword research FIRST. If you make things up (like what you "think" your customers search for), you'll miss out on a very long list of keywords that your customers actually want to know about. Furthermore, doing the keyword research will [...]

Three Reasons Businesses Still Need to do Keyword Research First

So far, we've talked about several things you need to do in order to get your website up to snuff in Google's eyes, as well as your readers'. Perhaps you've got some technical website issues that you need to overcome first, or your existing content is a bit boring to the reader. Those are easy [...]

Website Canonicalization Issues: How to Discover Them and Fix Them #video

Tom's Simple SEO: What is canonicalization and how can it affect your SEO from Thomas Petty. Have you ever heard of canonicalization? Maybe not. Technically, it's a mathematical term, but what does math have to do with the search engines like Google? Wikipedia defines canonicalization as: In computer science, canonicalization (abbreviated c14n, where 14 represents [...]

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